Continuing Legal Education
Understanding technology, data, and circumstance around potential violations.
Total Court Services is a leader in providing attorneys and others in the legal profession as well as criminal justice with the training they need to understand the technology that is used in today’s monitoring programs. With so much information regarding a single violation or infraction that goes to a hearing, and so little time to prepare, being knowledgeable in the technology and how the data is derived and analyzed can save time, energy, and resources when it comes to determining the next steps regarding process.
Total Court Services covers topics such as:
- What technologies exist for location monitoring and how they work
- What technologies exist for alcohol monitoring and how they work
- What makes alcohol monitoring technologies so different
- What information do you need to prepare for a hearing
- Reading and understanding data from different technology
- What are common causes of the data that is presented

Upcoming Educational Seminars
Overview of Alcohol Monitoring & Its Use in Criminal Justice
CLE General Credit Units: 2.0
This course details various methodologies used across the United States, specifically reviewing programs in Indiana, for monitoring pretrial, post-conviction, and alternative sentencing defendants. The materials covered include but are not limited to the following; history of and what types of alcohol monitoring technologies exist within the court ecosystem, most common uses for each type of monitoring technology, most common misconceptions about each type of technology, scientific basis of each monitoring technology, and how the technologies are supported in court and validated through study. The course will also reserve time for a question and answer period.
Host & Location:
Clark County Problem Solving Court
501 E. Court Ave
4th Floor Meeting Room
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Date & Time:
July 20, 2022
12:00pm – 2:00pm Eastern
Jason Tizedes, Vice President, Total Court Services
Jason has been in the alcohol and electronic monitoring industry for over 15 years and has been accredited in six states to provide continuing legal education. He has testified as an expert witness in dozens of hearings throughout the United States on the topics monitoring technologies and their validity.
Actual location may change. Details will be emailed to all attendees after location determination is made.
To host a CLE event, please fill out the form to the right.
“My staff learned a lot. It’s hard to believe that there was that much technology out there that we didn’t already know about. This definitely gives us something to think about for our program.”
Indiana Community Correction Director
About Us
What Makes Us Truly Different.
Total Court Services actively monitors more than 10,000 clients on a daily basis using several technologies and testing methods for compliance with court orders, pretrial/bond release, or for license reinstatement programs. Every day we strive to make our individual clients successful and help our court and agency partners maintain and exceed their high standards.