Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to all your questions about the programs we offer
There is a lot going on after you leave court. Some of the orders that a judge or magistrate have handed down might be difficult to understand or interpret. We are here to help. Total Court Services offers a range of programs and technology and together with our enrollment specialists, technical staff and client service representatives, we can get you through your enrollment, participating and completion successfully. Review all of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) below and let us know if you have any questions.
Getting Started
Typically our clients are people that have been ordered by a court to participate in a monitoring program of some kind. However, we do often accept volunteers. Volunteers are people just like anyone else that is struggling with a personal situation. There are a number of programs that volunteers and parents can use to help them in certain situations.
The more information you provide, the faster and easier the setup will be for your program. Here are a few things with which to be prepared that will make it easy:
- First and foremost your court orders (if ordered by a court)
- If you have a case manager, their name and contact information
- What technology or program into which you need to be enrolled
- If enrolling with us online, provide the best time to reach you
- Any important questions you might have
- Your initial payment for your program (costs vary depending on program)
Continuous Alcohol Monitoring

There is a one-time installation cost then a daily cost which we breakdown for you by week. Typically, we expect payment of the installation cost as well as four weeks of monitoring. We can work with you on reasonable payment plans.
When the SCRAM CAM Bracelet takes a reading every 30 minutes, a light buzzing sound can be heard, but is generally reported to be “discreet.”
The SCRAM Base Station can work with an analog or digital phone line. If you do not have a phone line of any kind, we have options to use your home-based Internet or a cellular device. Both have additional costs. Make sure you ask about your options when you contact us.
We recommend you avoid using any products on or near the bracelet that contain alcohol. This includes lotions, body sprays, perfumes, or colognes. The application of small quantities of these products in areas far from the bracelet should not be problematic. However, it is your responsibility to know what you are putting on, in, or near your body at all times. If you have any concerns, please contact us right away.
Please be sure to check first with the court or agency. We also recommend that you carry your paperwork that addresses your participation in a SCRAM CAM monitoring program. When passing through security, inform the TSA agent that you are wearing an electronic monitoring device that you cannot remove. The TSA agent may “swab” the bracelet and test it. However, you should be permitted to pass through security while wearing the SCRAM CAM Bracelet.
You can’t wear anything that would go between the skin and the bracelet. You can wear boots or leggings over the top, but be cautious that boots could cause the bracelet to rub and even create a blister.
We recommend that SCRAM CAM clients refrain from using any alcohol-containing products on or around the bracelet. Many clients are exposed to hair color and other similar products without any noticeable transdermal alcohol concentration (TAC detections. When in doubt, we recommend reporting the questionable activity to your supervising agency so that notes may be placed in your client record to take the activity into consideration while analyzing the data.
We are obligated to report any noncompliance to your court or agency. We prepare the necessary reports and deliver them as soon as the data is available. It is up to the court or agency if you will face any repercussions from any noncompliance.
Exercise will have no impact to the functions of the bracelet. For comfort, you might want to wear a sweat band or a sock rolled down to prevent the bracelet from “bouncing” on the ankle bone.
No. It’s no different than your cell phone or any other jewelry you might wear.
You CANNOT spray tan at all. Tanning beds should be limited and no application of lotions should be made near the bracelet. It is your responsibility to ensure that nothing with alcohol is used on or near the bracelet.
Remote Breath Monitoring

There is a one-time installation cost then a daily cost which we breakdown for you by week. Typically we expect payment of the installation cost as well as four weeks of monitoring. We can work with you on reasonable payment plans.
During enrollment you will have the opportunity to take practice tests. You can take as many practice tests as needed to get comfortable with taking a test.
- Be in a well-lit area away from direct sunlight.
Remove hats, sunglasses/eye glasses, and any hair hanging over the face.
Stand or sit with your back against a wall, hold your head upright, and look directly forward.
Hold the device up to your mouth with the breath tube level with the floor.
Blow steady and consistent until you see STOP on the Remote Breath device.
You court or program is responsible for designating your test schedule. These can be fixed tests that occur on the same time on certain days, random tests which can occur at any time, and on-demand tests that can be ordered any time. The device itself will turn on and prompt you for a test. Additionally, you can opt to have Courtesy Reminders sent to your cell phone.
The Remote Breath device powers up and connects to the network every 20 minutes to check for any updates.
Courtesy Reminders are additional reminders that can be sent to your cell phone to remind you that you have a test coming up. These are in addition to the notifications that are generated by the Remote Breath device. Only one reminder will be sent per testing period. You will be responsible for any data charges that may apply.
There is a grace period set for each court or program. The grace period is the amount of time that you have to take a test once the test has been initiated. It can be set to any amount of time the court or program wishes. Your supervising agent will tell you what settings are used for your program.
Yes. You can take a test while the device is plugged in. Just ensure that you are following all the steps for a quality picture during testing.
If there is any abnormality in your test the device will prompt you for a retest. The device will tell you what to do if this occurs. The device does not tell you if you pass or not. To ensure that you pass your tests, make sure you follow all proper testing procedures.
You are required to charge it every day. The battery light will turn solid green once the battery is fully charged. Allowing the battery to run low or die is a violation that will be reported to the court or program.
Yes. You can contact us or your supervising agent and ask them to send an on-demand test to the device. A GPS location is taken with missed tests as well as taken tests, and a GPS location will be mapped for the device. If the battery has been depleted we can attempt to locate it by the last known location. If it is not located, you may incur the cost to replace the lost device.
LifeSafer Interlock
Breath Alcohol
Ignition Interlock Device

The device draws very little power from your vehicle’s battery. The amount of power it draws will not be enough to drain your battery, however, we recommend starting your vehicle daily and allowing it to run for 15 consecutive minutes every day. It is important to stay in your vehicle in case the interlock requests a repeat test.
The interlock unit will function as expected as long as your battery and vehicle are in good working order. As long as you provide a breath sample in which the interlock does not detect any alcohol, your vehicle will start without a problem.
You are responsible for all tests, whether taken by you or not. We equip your interlock and vehicle with a camera that records photos of each test. A missed rolling test will still be your responsibility, so ensure whomever uses your vehicle understands how and when tests are required.
Notify us that work will be done. Save and copy all receipts associated with the work and submit them to us with a letter explaining the work. Disconnecting the battery, even for vehicle maintenance, must be reported to the state.
An ignition interlock device will not damage your vehicle. Our technicians and service center network are supported by our in-house experts who are continuously working with new vehicles to ensure we are able to install safely in any type of vehicle.
Our interlock is designed to test your Br AC, or Breath Alcohol Content. It will detect anything that contains an alcohol molecule. If the interlock device displays anything other than 0.00, this is an indication that an alcohol molecule has been detected. Any Br AC readings may be reported to your monitoring authority.
Every time you start your vehicle you will have to supply a test in order for the vehicle’s ignition to operate. Once started, you will be prompted by the handset to take a rolling retest at random intervals. When that occurs, pull your vehicle over and supply the required test.
Retests occur randomly, even if your car is not moving. It is important to stay in your vehicle when the key is in the ignition or your vehicle is running so you know when the device prompts for a retest. You have a certain amount of time to supply the sample. Failure to do so must be reported as a violation whether you were driving the vehicle or not.
In the event that you fail a test, even if you supply a subsequent passing sample, do not submit a sample when required, or there is an extended loss of power your device may lock you out of starting your vehicle. In that event, we must perform a reset which we can do remotely. There may be a cost associated with that service.
Omnilink OM500 GPS
Global Positioning System

GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It uses satellites and cell networks to record and transmit the wearer’s location constantly. The device also tracks whether the wearer is at home for designated curfew hours as well as staying clear of areas in which the wearer is not permitted to go for various reasons. Any deviation of curfew or exclusionary areas triggers immediate alerts to the monitoring authority.
TCS or your monitoring authority can send automated or on-demand messages to your device. The device will typically provide you a warning chime that a message is waiting before it plays. Messages can let you know you need to charge your device, or that you may have to contact your monitoring authority.
You cannot wear a monitoring bracelet if you need an MRI. You will need to contact your supervising agency prior to a scheduled appointment to make arrangements to have the bracelet removed prior to the procedure. Your supervising agency may have additional requirements.
Global Positioning System

GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It uses satellites and cell networks to record and transmit the wearer’s location constantly. The device also tracks whether the wearer is at home for designated curfew hours as well as staying clear of areas in which the wearer is not permitted to go for various reasons. Any deviation of curfew or exclusionary areas triggers immediate alerts to the monitoring authority.
The small button is a communication verification button. If you receive a vibration or a tone, you can press this button in order to shut it off and acknowledge that you received the vibration or tone. If you do not press it, or do press it and do not take the action you were instructed to take, the court or monitoring authority will continue to send alerts until you respond.
If your GPS has a long constant vibration lasting for 30 seconds or more, that is a reminder for you to charge your bracelet. You are required to charge your bracelet before the battery gets low and this vibration is a reminder to you to do just that. Charge your bracelet as soon as possible. You can press the round acknowledgment button on the front of the G PS to stop the vibration.
You will be given a special charging cord that works only with our particular GPS bracelets. Even though the bracelet has a long battery life, you are still required to charge the bracelet for two hours each day. The charging cord is long and should provide you enough slack to be able to move around the room in which you are charging. When the bracelet is completely charged, the green battery light on top will turn solid indicating the bracelet has a full charge and you can then unplug the charger. You will know that you have successfully attached the charger when you feel a brief vibration and the green light begins to blink on top of the bracelet.
The GPS bracelet has built in two-way communication. The pulse vibration or the repeating tone are manually sent to your bracelet by the court or your monitoring authority. When you are initially enrolled in the GPS program you will be instructed as to what you are required to do in the event that either the pulse vibration or tone occur on your bracelet.
You can do your normal daily activities-go to work, school, appointments, workout, or anything else that is in your normal routine, outside of avoiding places that you have been instructed to avoid. The device is water resistant, however, we do not permit them to be submerged under water.
You cannot wear a monitoring bracelet if you need an MRI. You will need to contact your supervising agency prior to a scheduled appointment to make arrangements to have the bracelet removed prior to the procedure. Your supervising agency may have additional requirements.
Exercise will have no impact to the functions of the bracelet. For comfort, you might want to wear a sweat band or a sock rolled down to prevent the bracelet from “bouncing” on the ankle bone.
Smart Tag
Global Positioning System

GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It uses satellites and cell networks to record and transmit the wearer’s location constantly. The device also tracks whether the wearer is at home for designated curfew hours as well as staying clear of areas in which the wearer is not permitted to go for various reasons. Any deviation of curfew or exclusionary areas triggers immediate alerts to the monitoring authority.
You can do your normal daily activities-go to work, school, appointments, workout, or anything else that is in your normal routine, outside of avoiding places that you have been instructed to avoid. The device is water resistant, however, we do not permit them the be submerged under water.
You cannot wear a monitoring bracelet if you need an MRI. You will need to contact your supervising agency prior to a scheduled appointment to make arrangements to have the bracelet removed prior to the procedure. Your supervising agency may have additional requirements.
Exercise will have no impact to the functions of the bracelet. For comfort, you might want to wear a sweat band or a sock rolled down to prevent the bracelet from “bouncing” on the ankle bone.
House Arrest &
Curfew Monitoring

There is a one-time installation cost then a daily cost which we breakdown for you by week. Typically we expect payment of the installation cost as well as four weeks of monitoring. We can work with you on reasonable payment plans.
We are obligated to report any noncompliance to your court or agency. We prepare the necessary reports and deliver them as soon as the data is available. It is up to the court or agency if you will face any repercussions from any noncompliance.
Please be sure to check first with the court or agency. We also recommend that you carry your paperwork that addresses your participation in a SCRAM House Arrest monitoring program. When passing through security, inform the TSA agent that you are wearing an electronic monitoring device that you cannot remove. The TSA agent may “swab” the bracelet and test it. However, you should be permitted to pass through security while wearing the SCRAM House Arrest
You cannot wear a monitoring bracelet if you need an MRI. You will need to contact your supervising agency prior to a scheduled appointment to make arrangements to have the bracelet removed prior to the procedure. Your supervising agency may have additional requirements.
Will it flop around and will that register as tampering?Exercise will have no impact to the functions of the bracelet. For comfort, you might want to wear a sweat band or a sock rolled down to prevent the bracelet from “bouncing” on the ankle bone.
Contact your reporting authority right away and provide them with any changes to your schedule that may affect your curfew. They will make a determination of your schedule can be changed and will notify us to make the appropriate modifications to your schedule or curfew.
Speak With an Enrollment Specialist to Get Started with Your Program
“The staff are friendly, easy to work with, and didn’t look down on you. We all make mistakes.”
Indiana Client
About Us
What Makes Us Truly Different.
Total Court Services actively monitors more than 10,000 clients on a daily basis using several technologies and testing methods for compliance with court orders, pretrial/bond release, or for license reinstatement programs. Every day we strive to make our individual clients successful and help our court and agency partners maintain and exceed their high standards.