
The recent proposal by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to mandate anti-drunk-driving technology in all new vehicles sold in America has sparked a crucial debate about the potential drawbacks for consumers. While the intention behind the proposal is to enhance road safety and reduce alcohol-related accidents, there are several concerns that deserve careful consideration.

The Context of the Proposal

The NHTSA’s proposal comes in response to the alarming increase in alcohol-related crashes, which have become a leading cause of injury and death on American roads. The agency aims to address not only drunk driving but also drowsy and distracted driving, recognizing them as significant contributors to traffic fatalities. The proposal, however, raises questions about its potential impact on consumers’ freedom, privacy, and the reliability of the proposed anti-impaired driving technology.

Concerns Surrounding Reliability and Accuracy

One of the primary concerns regarding the NHTSA’s proposal is the reliability and accuracy of the proposed anti-impaired driving technology. While the agency acknowledges the existence of various technologies, including breathalyzer tests and camera-based behavioral analysis, it is unclear which methods will be deemed suitable for mandated onboard systems.

The challenges include determining the type and level of impairment accurately. Blood-alcohol content (BAC) has been a standard metric, but its limitations, such as variations based on size, weight, and alcohol tolerance, raise doubts about its effectiveness. The proposal’s focus on impairment due to alcohol, drowsiness, and distraction may lead to overlooking other potential factors, leaving the system prone to false positives or negatives.

Privacy Concerns

The mandatory inclusion of anti-impaired driving technology raises significant privacy concerns for consumers. The proposed technology could involve constant monitoring of a driver’s behavior through onboard cameras and sensors, potentially infringing on personal privacy rights. The question arises as to how much data the technology would collect, who would have access to it, and how securely it would be stored. Consumers may rightfully worry about the surveillance implications and the potential misuse of their driving behavior data.

False Readings and Unintended Consequences

The implementation of any mandated technology is not without risks, and false readings could have severe consequences for consumers. If the system erroneously identifies a driver as impaired, it may result in unwarranted warnings or even prevent the vehicle from starting. This poses a serious threat to individuals who may be falsely accused of impairment, potentially leading to legal issues and an infringement on their right to mobility.

Furthermore, the proposed technology may not account for every scenario, such as a sober passenger taking a test on behalf of an impaired driver. Unintended consequences, such as individuals being denied access to their vehicles in emergency situations, must be carefully considered in the pursuit of enhanced road safety.

Impact on Vehicle Affordability

Mandating advanced anti-impaired driving technology in all new vehicles could significantly impact their affordability. The costs associated with developing, implementing, and maintaining such systems would inevitably be passed on to consumers. This raises concerns about the accessibility of new vehicles, potentially pricing out certain demographics and limiting their ability to purchase a car.


While the NHTSA’s proposal to mandate anti-impaired driving technology reflects a sincere effort to improve road safety, the potential drawbacks for consumers cannot be overlooked. Concerns about the reliability and accuracy of the technology, privacy implications, the risk of false readings, and the impact on vehicle affordability all contribute to a complex and multifaceted discussion.

As the proposal moves forward, it is crucial for policymakers to engage with stakeholders and address these concerns effectively. Striking a balance between enhancing road safety and safeguarding consumers’ rights and freedoms is paramount to ensure that any mandated anti-impaired driving technology benefits society as a whole without disproportionately burdening individuals.